Physical Review E – April 1996
Volume 53, Issue 4



Phase-field method for computationally efficient modeling of solidification with arbitrary interface kinetics
Alain Karma and Wouter-Jan Rappel
pp. R3017-R3020 [View Page Images or PDF (782 kB)]
Anomalous scaling for passively advected magnetic fields
M. Vergassola
pp. R3021-R3024 [View Page Images or PDF (641 kB)]
Scaling property of turbulent flows
R. Benzi, L. Biferale, S. Ciliberto, M. V. Struglia, and R. Tripiccione
pp. R3025-R3027 [View Page Images or PDF (421 kB)]
Transition in particle capture in deep bed filtration
Claude Ghidaglia, Lucilla de Arcangelis, John Hinch, and Élisabeth Guazzelli
pp. R3028-R3031 [View Page Images or PDF (812 kB)]
Statistical two-vortex equilibrium and vortex merger
Peilong Chen and M. C. Cross
pp. R3032-R3035 [View Page Images or PDF (738 kB)]
Gaussian tricritical behavior of heat capacity at the smectic-A—smectic-C liquid crystal transition
Kenji Ema, Atsushi Takagi, and Haruhiko Yao
pp. R3036-R3039 [View Page Images or PDF (718 kB)]
Molecular dynamics simulation evidence of anomalous diffusion of protein hydration water
Anna Rita Bizzarri and Salvatore Cannistraro
pp. R3040-R3043 [View Page Images or PDF (791 kB)]
Amplitude, wave form, and temperature dependence of bilayer ripples in the Pβ phase
J. T. Woodward, IV and J. A. Zasadzinski
pp. R3044-R3047 [View Page Images or PDF (1,960 kB)]
Wave-field distributions for toroidal plasmas with nearly circular cross sections
T. Hellsten, J. Källbäck, and L. -G. Eriksson
pp. R3048-R3051 [View Page Images or PDF (665 kB)]
Detection of THz pulses by phase retardation in lithium tantalate
P. Uhd Jepsen, C. Winnewisser, M. Schall, V. Schyja, S. R. Keiding, and H. Helm
pp. R3052-R3054 [View Page Images or PDF (596 kB)]
Generalized simulated annealing algorithms using Tsallis statistics: Application to conformational optimization of a tetrapeptide
Ioan Andricioaei and John E. Straub
pp. R3055-R3058 [View Page Images or PDF (805 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Bounds on the decay of the autocorrelation in phase ordering dynamics
Chuck Yeung, Madan Rao, and Rashmi C. Desai
pp. 3073-3077 [View Page Images or PDF (827 kB)]
Coarsening and persistence in the voter model
E. Ben-Naim, L. Frachebourg, and P. L. Krapivsky
pp. 3078-3087 [View Page Images or PDF (1,609 kB)]
Stochastic chaos and resonance in a bistable stochastic system
Sukkeun Kim and L. E. Reichl
pp. 3088-3095 [View Page Images or PDF (1,414 kB)]
Quantum tunneling, dynamical symmetry, and quantum revival
Ju-Yong Shin and Hai-Woong Lee
pp. 3096-3100 [View Page Images or PDF (667 kB)]
General theory of instabilities for patterns with sharp interfaces in reaction-diffusion systems
C. B. Muratov and V. V. Osipov
pp. 3101-3116 [View Page Images or PDF (3,006 kB)]
Amplitude-independent chaotic synchronization
T. L. Carroll
pp. 3117-3122 [View Page Images or PDF (938 kB)]
Semiquantum chaos in the double well
Thomas C. Blum and Hans-Thomas Elze
pp. 3123-3133 [View Page Images or PDF (1,896 kB)]
Kinetics of multidimensional fragmentation
P. Singh and M. K. Hassan
pp. 3134-3144 [View Page Images or PDF (1,321 kB)]
Memory and correlation effects in the quantum theory of thermalization
H. S. Köhler
pp. 3145-3153 [View Page Images or PDF (1,536 kB)]
Annihilation of charged particles
I. Ispolatov and P. L. Krapivsky
pp. 3154-3159 [View Page Images or PDF (1,045 kB)]
Mean field equation for the curvature-driven motion of bicontinuous, random interfaces
Hiroyuki Tomita
pp. 3160-3166 [View Page Images or PDF (1,175 kB)]
Spatial correlations and cross sections of clusters in the A+B→0 reaction
R. Reigada, F. Sagués, I. M. Sokolov, J. M. Sancho, and A. Blumen
pp. 3167-3172 [View Page Images or PDF (827 kB)]
Theory and system analysis of field-dependent thermodynamic variables and Maxwell relations
Y. Zimmels
pp. 3173-3191 [View Page Images or PDF (2,852 kB)]
Synchronization of nonlinear systems with distinct parameters: Phase synchronization and metamorphosis
Hayato Fujigaki, Makoto Nishi, and Tokuzo Shimada
pp. 3192-3197 [View Page Images or PDF (1,112 kB)]
Energy spectra of the hydrogen atom and the harmonic oscillator in two dimensions from Bogomolny's semiclassical transfer operator
P. Biechele, D. A. Goodings, and J. H. Lefebvre
pp. 3198-3208 [View Page Images or PDF (1,807 kB)]
Determining exponents in models of kinetic surface roughening
Martin Siegert
pp. 3209-3214 [View Page Images or PDF (1,023 kB)]
Angular distribution of diffusely transmitted light
M. U. Vera and D. J. Durian
pp. 3215-3224 [View Page Images or PDF (1,948 kB)]
Finite-size scaling and the toroidal partition function of the critical asymmetric six-vertex model
Jae Dong Noh and Doochul Kim
pp. 3225-3239 [View Page Images or PDF (2,069 kB)]
First-passage-time statistics for diffusion processes with an external random force
Josep M. Porrà, Armando Robinson, and Jaume Masoliver
pp. 3240-3245 [View Page Images or PDF (779 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Ergodicity in hard-ball systems and Boltzmann’s entropy
Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu, and Juyuan Zhang
pp. 3246-3252 [View Page Images or PDF (1,052 kB)]
Folding transition of the triangular lattice in a discrete three-dimensional space
Emilio N. M. Cirillo, Giuseppe Gonnella, and Alessandro Pelizzola
pp. 3253-3256 [View Page Images or PDF (597 kB)]
Information-theoretic characterization of quantum chaos
Rüdiger Schack and Carlton M. Caves
pp. 3257-3270 [View Page Images or PDF (2,467 kB)]
Band structure and quantum Poincaré sections of a classically chaotic quantum rippled channel
G. A. Luna-Acosta, Kyungsun Na, L. E. Reichl, and A. Krokhin
pp. 3271-3283 [View Page Images or PDF (2,465 kB)]
Ray splitting and quantum chaos
Reinhold Blümel, T. M. Antonsen, Jr, Bertrand Georgeot, Edward Ott, and R. E. Prange
pp. 3284-3302 [View Page Images or PDF (3,694 kB)]
Multi-interaction mean-field renormalization group
C. N. Likos and A. Maritan
pp. 3303-3314 [View Page Images or PDF (2,072 kB)]
Nonequilibrium phase transition in the case of correlated noises
Jing-hui Li and Zu-qia Huang
pp. 3315-3318 [View Page Images or PDF (567 kB)]
Universal behavior of the amplitude ratio of percolation susceptibilities for off-lattice percolation models
Sang Bub Lee
pp. 3319-3329 [View Page Images or PDF (2,092 kB)]
Intermittent chaos and multifractal systems
E. R. Nakamura, O. Yamakawa, K. Kudo, H. Matsuda, and T. Murata
pp. 3330-3332 [View Page Images or PDF (433 kB)]
Universal short-time dynamics in the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase
P. Czerner and U. Ritschel
pp. 3333-3341 [View Page Images or PDF (1,481 kB)]
Apparent fractality emerging from models of random distributions
Daniel Hamburger, Ofer Biham, and David Avnir
pp. 3342-3358 [View Page Images or PDF (2,516 kB)]
Dissipative effects on the localization of a charged oscillator in a magnetic field
X. L. Li, G. W. Ford, and R. F. O'Connell
pp. 3359-3364 [View Page Images or PDF (888 kB)]
Reconstruction of a first-order phase transition from computer simulations of individual phases and subphases
Martin Ebeling and Walter Nadler
pp. 3365-3368 [View Page Images or PDF (739 kB)]
Chaos in a quantum well in tilted fields: A scaling system
T. S. Monteiro and P. A. Dando
pp. 3369-3373 [View Page Images or PDF (970 kB)]
Lyapunov spectral analysis of a nonequilibrium Ising-like transition
Corey S. O'Hern, David A. Egolf, and Henry S. Greenside
pp. 3374-3386 [View Page Images or PDF (2,307 kB)]
Chaos for Liouville probability densities
Rüdiger Schack and Carlton M. Caves
pp. 3387-3401 [View Page Images or PDF (2,818 kB)]
Microcanonical ensemble Monte Carlo method for discrete systems
John R. Ray and Claude Freléchoz
pp. 3402-3407 [View Page Images or PDF (1,080 kB)]
Self-organized criticality in a hierarchical model of defects development
E. M. Blanter and M. G. Shnirman
pp. 3408-3413 [View Page Images or PDF (802 kB)]
Nucleation model for diffusion-limited coalescence with finite reaction rates in one dimension
L. A. Braunstein and R. C. Buceta
pp. 3414-3419 [View Page Images or PDF (846 kB)]
Maximal Lyapunov exponent at crises
Vishal Mehra and Ramakrishna Ramaswamy
pp. 3420-3424 [View Page Images or PDF (764 kB)]
Noise-induced phase transitions in globally coupled active rotators
Seon Hee Park and Seunghwan Kim
pp. 3425-3430 [View Page Images or PDF (850 kB)]

Classical fluids

Isotropic and anisotropic spectra of passive scalar fluctuations in turbulent fluid flow
Tov Elperin, Nathan Kleeorin, and Igor Rogachevskii
pp. 3431-3441 [View Page Images or PDF (1,643 kB)]
Scaling laws at nonlinear Schrödinger defect sites
Paul K. Newton and Mike O’Connor
pp. 3442-3447 [View Page Images or PDF (678 kB)]
Capillary gravity waves caused by a moving disturbance: Wave resistance
E. Raphaël and P.-G. de Gennes
pp. 3448-3455 [View Page Images or PDF (1,180 kB)]
Structure factor of hard spheres near a wall
B. Götzelmann, A. Haase, and S. Dietrich
pp. 3456-3467 [View Page Images or PDF (2,123 kB)]
Exact resummations in the theory of hydrodynamic turbulence. III. Scenarios for anomalous scaling and intermittency
Victor L’vov and Itamar Procaccia
pp. 3468-3490 [View Page Images or PDF (4,333 kB)]
Domain stability, competition, growth, and selection in globally constrained bistable systems
Baruch Meerson and Pavel V. Sasorov
pp. 3491-3494 [View Page Images or PDF (761 kB)]
Transition to weak turbulence via spatiotemporal intermittency in the Taylor-Dean system
Michael M. Degen, Innocent Mutabazi, and C. David Andereck
pp. 3495-3504 [View Page Images or PDF (2,518 kB)]
High-pressure neutron diffraction on fluid methane
G. Strauβ, A. Bassen, H. Zweier, H. Bertagnolli, K. Tödheide, A. K. Soper, and J. Turner
pp. 3505-3517 [View Page Images or PDF (2,171 kB)]
Anomalous scaling in a model of passive scalar advection: Exact results
Adrienne L. Fairhall, Omri Gat, Victor L'vov, and Itamar Procaccia
pp. 3518-3535 [View Page Images or PDF (2,733 kB)]
Stochastic process for the dynamics of the turbulent cascade
Ricardo Lima and R. Vilela Mendes
pp. 3536-3540 [View Page Images or PDF (794 kB)]
Helical shell models for three-dimensional turbulence
R. Benzi, L. Biferale, R. M. Kerr, and E. Trovatore
pp. 3541-3550 [View Page Images or PDF (1,599 kB)]
Connection between the Rayleigh and the Schrödinger equations
Karnig O. Mikaelian
pp. 3551-3558 [View Page Images or PDF (1,337 kB)]
Bifurcations on the fcc lattice
T. K. Callahan and E. Knobloch
pp. 3559-3562 [View Page Images or PDF (579 kB)]
Quasi-self-similarity for wetting drops
R. Gratton, J. A. Diez, L. P. Thomas, B. Marino, and S. Betelú
pp. 3563-3572 [View Page Images or PDF (1,467 kB)]
Nonlinear electrohydrodynamic waves on films falling down an inclined plane
A. González and A. Castellanos
pp. 3573-3578 [View Page Images or PDF (744 kB)]
Oscillatory bifurcation with broken translation symmetry
A. S. Landsberg and E. Knobloch
pp. 3579-3600 [View Page Images or PDF (3,231 kB)]
Oscillatory doubly diffusive convection in a finite container
A. S. Landsberg and E. Knobloch
pp. 3601-3609 [View Page Images or PDF (1,399 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Twisting transition in a fiber composed of chiral smectic-C liquid crystal polymer
R. A. Sones, R. G. Petschek, D. W. Cronin, and E. M. Terentjev
pp. 3611-3617 [View Page Images or PDF (1,036 kB)]
Phase equilibria of a polymer–smectic-liquid-crystal mixture
Thein Kyu and Hao-Wen Chiu
pp. 3618-3622 [View Page Images or PDF (649 kB)]
Fluctuations and light scattering in free-standing smectic-C films
A. N. Shalaginov
pp. 3623-3628 [View Page Images or PDF (1,014 kB)]
Nematic ordering in porous glasses: A deuterium NMR study
S. Kralj, A. Zidanšek, G. Lahajnar, I. Muševič, S. Žumer, R. Blinc, and M. M. Pintar
pp. 3629-3638 [View Page Images or PDF (2,189 kB)]
Nature of the smectic-A—hexatic-B—crystal-B transitions of a liquid-crystal compound
A. J. Jin, M. Veum, T. Stoebe, C. F. Chou, J. T. Ho, S. W. Hui, V. Surendranath, and C. C. Huang
pp. 3639-3646 [View Page Images or PDF (1,456 kB)]
Systematic study of orientational wetting and anchoring at a liquid-crystal-surfactant interface
G. P. Crawford, R. J. Ondris-Crawford, J. W. Doane, and S. Žumer
pp. 3647-3661 [View Page Images or PDF (2,684 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Phase diagram of branched polymer collapse
Malte Henkel and Flavio Seno
pp. 3662-3672 [View Page Images or PDF (1,629 kB)]
Spinodal decomposition in multicomponent fluid mixtures: A molecular dynamics study
Mohamed Laradji, Ole G. Mouritsen, and Søren Toxvaerd
pp. 3673-3681 [View Page Images or PDF (1,732 kB)]
Generic rigidity percolation in two dimensions
D. J. Jacobs and M. F. Thorpe
pp. 3682-3693 [View Page Images or PDF (2,582 kB)]
Lyapunov instability of fluids composed of rigid diatomic molecules
István Borzsák, H. A. Posch, and András Baranyai
pp. 3694-3701 [View Page Images or PDF (1,547 kB)]
Fractal model of consolidation of weakly aggregated colloidal dispersions
A. A. Potanin and W. B. Russel
pp. 3702-3709 [View Page Images or PDF (1,140 kB)]
Molecular dynamics simulations of phase separation in chemically reactive binary mixtures
S. Toxvaerd
pp. 3710-3716 [View Page Images or PDF (1,738 kB)]
Dynamics and conformation of polymer chains in a porous medium
Grace M. Foo, R. B. Pandey, and D. Stauffer
pp. 3717-3731 [View Page Images or PDF (2,554 kB)]
Shear flow of one-component polarizable fluid in a strong electric field
J. M. Sun and R. Tao
pp. 3732-3737 [View Page Images or PDF (1,026 kB)]
Surface tension, hydrophobicity, and black holes: The entropic connection
David J. E. Callaway
pp. 3738-3744 [View Page Images or PDF (1,274 kB)]
Static properties of confined colloidal suspensions
M. D. Carbajal-Tinoco, F. Castro-Román, and J. L. Arauz-Lara
pp. 3745-3749 [View Page Images or PDF (936 kB)]
Boundary layer analysis of the ridge singularity in a thin plate
Alexander E. Lobkovsky
pp. 3750-3759 [View Page Images or PDF (1,886 kB)]
Computation of the dendritic operating state at large supercoolings by the phase field model
Shun-Lien Wang and Robert F. Sekerka
pp. 3760-3776 [View Page Images or PDF (2,651 kB)]
Anisotropic surface morphology of poly(vinyl 4-methoxy-cinnamate) and 12-8(poly)diacetylene thin films induced by linear photopolymerization
Brian Cull, Yushan Shi, Satyendra Kumar, and Martin Schadt
pp. 3777-3781 [View Page Images or PDF (856 kB)]
Deformation of grafted polymer layers in strong shear flows
J. L. Harden and M. E. Cates
pp. 3782-3787 [View Page Images or PDF (981 kB)]
Experiments on anisotropic radial viscous fingering
Jordi Ignés-Mullol and J. V. Maher
pp. 3788-3793 [View Page Images or PDF (1,042 kB)]
Observation of a two-stage melting transition in two dimensions
Ken Bagchi, Hans C. Andersen, and William Swope
pp. 3794-3803 [View Page Images or PDF (1,568 kB)]
Theory of cylindrical tubules and helical ribbons of chiral lipid membranes
J. V. Selinger, F. C. MacKintosh, and J. M. Schnur
pp. 3804-3818 [View Page Images or PDF (3,481 kB)]
Unwinding a polymer in a poor solvent
Pik-Yin Lai
pp. 3819-3822 [View Page Images or PDF (639 kB)]
Computer simulation of structures and rheological properties of electrorheological fluids
H. X. Guo, Z. H. Mai, and H. H. Tian
pp. 3823-3831 [View Page Images or PDF (1,445 kB)]
Mixing of a two-phase fluid by cavity flow
Ravi Chella and Jorge Viñals
pp. 3832-3840 [View Page Images or PDF (1,898 kB)]
Gradient diffusion in concentrated ferrocolloids under the influence of a magnetic field
K. I. Morozov
pp. 3841-3846 [View Page Images or PDF (1,111 kB)]
Density functional approach to the structure of homogeneous colloidal dispersion
Niharendu Choudhury and Swapan K. Ghosh
pp. 3847-3853 [View Page Images or PDF (1,144 kB)]
Critical behavior in a polymer blend
H. Sato, N. Kuwahara, and K. Kubota
pp. 3854-3863 [View Page Images or PDF (1,562 kB)]
Conductivity of random sphere packings: Effects of a size distribution
B. Nettelblad and G. A. Niklasson
pp. 3864-3866 [View Page Images or PDF (488 kB)]
Weak pinning of interfaces
S. B. Santra, Agnés Paterson, and Stéphane Roux
pp. 3867-3874 [View Page Images or PDF (1,519 kB)]
Pore formation and rupture in fluid bilayers
Roland R. Netz and M. Schick
pp. 3875-3885 [View Page Images or PDF (1,991 kB)]
Gaussian self-consistent method for the kinetics of heteropolymers: A direction in studying the protein folding problem
E. G. Timoshenko, Yu. A. Kuznetsov, and K. A. Dawson
pp. 3886-3899 [View Page Images or PDF (2,156 kB)]
Experimental investigation of the structure of nonionic microemulsions and their relation to the bending elasticity of the amphiphilic film
M. Gradzielski, D. Langevin, and B. Farago
pp. 3900-3919 [View Page Images or PDF (4,054 kB)]
Two-scale model for aggregation and etching
George C. John and Vijay A. Singh
pp. 3920-3924 [View Page Images or PDF (863 kB)]
Coarsening kinetics in finite clusters
V. E. Fradkov, M. E. Glicksman, and S. P. Marsh
pp. 3925-3932 [View Page Images or PDF (1,252 kB)]
Interface proliferation and the growth of labyrinths in a reaction-diffusion system
Raymond E. Goldstein, David J. Muraki, and Dean M. Petrich
pp. 3933-3957 [View Page Images or PDF (4,348 kB)]

Biological physics

Cooperative behavior in periodically driven noisy integrate-fire models of neuronal dynamics
Adi R. Bulsara, Tim C. Elston, Charles R. Doering, Steve B. Lowen, and Katja Lindenberg
pp. 3958-3969 [View Page Images or PDF (2,116 kB)]
Perturbative treatments and learning techniques
L. Diambra and A. Plastino
pp. 3970-3975 [View Page Images or PDF (859 kB)]
Probabilistic cellular automaton describing a biological immune system
Tânia Tomé and J. R. Drugowich de Felício
pp. 3976-3981 [View Page Images or PDF (937 kB)]
Classification of time series with hidden Markov models: Unsupervised learning and self-organization
V. Breuer and G. Radons
pp. 3982-3988 [View Page Images or PDF (1,710 kB)]
Learning by examples from a nonuniform distribution
P. Reimann and C. Van den Broeck
pp. 3989-3998 [View Page Images or PDF (1,797 kB)]

Plasma physics

Normal approach to the linearized Fokker-Planck equation for the inverse-square force
Yongbin Chang and Ding Li
pp. 3999-4006 [View Page Images or PDF (1,107 kB)]
Excitation of 2p levels of argon in Townsend discharges at a high ratio of electric field to gas density
J. V. Božin, Z. M. Jelenak, Z. V. Velikić, I. D. Belča, Z. Lj. Petrović, and B. M. Jelenković
pp. 4007-4011 [View Page Images or PDF (1,018 kB)]
Momentum transfer theory of nonconservative charged particle transport in mixtures of gases: General equations and negative differential conductivity
Slobodan B. Vrhovac and Zoran Lj. Petrović
pp. 4012-4025 [View Page Images or PDF (2,260 kB)]
Self-consistent analytical model of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in inertial confinement fusion
J. Sanz
pp. 4026-4045 [View Page Images or PDF (2,932 kB)]
Langmuir oscillations in a cold inhomogeneous plasma
A. V. Kovalenko and V. P. Kovalenko
pp. 4046-4050 [View Page Images or PDF (844 kB)]
Kinetic Alfvén wave in three-component dusty plasmas
A. C. Das, A. K. Misra, and K. S. Goswami
pp. 4051-4055 [View Page Images or PDF (837 kB)]
Transition to turbulence via spatiotemporal intermittency in stimulated Raman backscattering
M. M. Škorić, M. S. Jovanović, and M. R. Rajković
pp. 4056-4066 [View Page Images or PDF (2,069 kB)]

Physics of beams

Dynamic aperture estimates and phase-space distortions in nonlinear betatron motion
E. Todesco and M. Giovannozzi
pp. 4067-4076 [View Page Images or PDF (1,984 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Uniaxial nonlinear surface waves
Paul B. Lundquist and David R. Andersen
pp. 4077-4083 [View Page Images or PDF (965 kB)]
Symmetric and asymmetric solitons in twin-core nonlinear optical fibers
B. A. Malomed, I. M. Skinner, P. L. Chu, and G. D. Peng
pp. 4084-4091 [View Page Images or PDF (1,279 kB)]
Two-dimensional spatial optical solitons in bulk Kerr media stabilized by self-induced multiphoton ionization: Variational approach
S. Henz and J. Herrmann
pp. 4092-4097 [View Page Images or PDF (1,039 kB)]
Transfer matrices for multiport devices made from solitons
P. D. Miller and N. N. Akhmediev
pp. 4098-4106 [View Page Images or PDF (1,438 kB)]
Analytic expressions for the electromagnetic mode density in finite, one-dimensional, photonic band-gap structures
Jon M. Bendickson, Jonathan P. Dowling, and Michael Scalora
pp. 4107-4121 [View Page Images or PDF (2,446 kB)]
Localization of light in three-dimensional random dielectric media
Marian Rusek, Arkadiusz Orłowski, and Jan Mostowski
pp. 4122-4130 [View Page Images or PDF (1,652 kB)]
Perturbation theories of a discrete, integrable nonlinear Schrödinger equation
David Cai, A. R. Bishop, and Niels Grønbech-Jensen
pp. 4131-4136 [View Page Images or PDF (670 kB)]
Zero-crosstalk junctions made from dark solitons
P. D. Miller
pp. 4137-4142 [View Page Images or PDF (1,109 kB)]
Generation of high-energy localized vibrational modes in nonlinear Klein-Gordon lattices
Ole Bang and Michel Peyrard
pp. 4143-4152 [View Page Images or PDF (1,910 kB)]
Constitutive relation for the friction between lubricated surfaces
J. M. Carlson and A. A. Batista
pp. 4153-4165 [View Page Images or PDF (2,445 kB)]
Eigenvalue density oscillations in separable microwave resonators
Olaf Frank and Bruno Eckhardt
pp. 4166-4175 [View Page Images or PDF (1,603 kB)]

Computational physics

Torsion dynamics of molecular systems
Sebastian Reich
pp. 4176-4181 [View Page Images or PDF (882 kB)]



General methods of statistical physics

Zipf’s law in percolation
Makoto S. Watanabe
pp. 4187-4190 [View Page Images or PDF (585 kB)]
See Also: Erratum


Stochastic foundations of fractional dynamics
Albert Compte
pp. 4191-4193 [View Page Images or PDF (400 kB)]
Generalized flow equation and kinetic coefficients in a reaction-diffusion system
Shu-chen Lii
pp. 4194-4197 [View Page Images or PDF (451 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Flow alignment in the helix uncoiling of sheared cholesteric liquid crystals
Alejandro D. Rey
pp. 4198-4201 [View Page Images or PDF (635 kB)]


Surface defects and forces in nematic liquid crystal samples
F. C. Cardoso and L. R. Evangelista
pp. 4202-4205 [View Page Images or PDF (542 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Periodic cylindrical surface solution for fluid bilayer membranes
Zhang Shao-guang and Ou-Yang Zhong-can
pp. 4206-4208 [View Page Images or PDF (424 kB)]
Agglomerate erosion: A nonscaling solution to the fragmentation equation
S. Hansen and J. M. Ottino
pp. 4209-4212 [View Page Images or PDF (474 kB)]


Universal topological properties of shells in soap froth
K. Y. Szeto and W. Y. Tam
pp. 4213-4216 [View Page Images or PDF (544 kB)]

Biological physics

Effect of time correlation of input patterns on the convergence of on-line learning
Tsuyoshi Hondou, Mitsuaki Yamamoto, Yasuji Sawada, and Yoshihiro Hayakawa
pp. 4217-4220 [View Page Images or PDF (747 kB)]


Protein dynamics with off-lattice Monte Carlo moves
Daniel Hoffmann and Ernst-Walter Knapp
pp. 4221-4224 [View Page Images or PDF (789 kB)]
Localized structures of electromagnetic waves in hot electron-positron plasmas
S. Kartal, L. N. Tsintsadze, and V. I. Berezhiani
pp. 4225-4228 [View Page Images or PDF (608 kB)]

Physics of beams

Resonance shift in relativistic traveling wave amplifiers
S. A. Naqvi, G. S. Kerslick, J. A. Nation, and L. Schächter
pp. 4229-4231 [View Page Images or PDF (471 kB)]

Computational physics

Fast Monte Carlo algorithm for nonequilibrium systems
Heinz-Peter Breuer, Wolfgang Huber, and Francesco Petruccione
pp. 4232-4235 [View Page Images or PDF (808 kB)]


Energy derivatives in variational calculations using Slater-type and Gauss-type orbitals
A. Kolakowska and J. D. Talman
pp. 4236-4239 [View Page Images or PDF (538 kB)]


Reply to ‘‘Comment on ‘Nonlinear resonance and chaos in the relativistic phase space for driven nonlinear systems’ ’’
Jung-Hoon Kim and Hai-Woong Lee
pp. 4242 [View Page Images or PDF (155 kB)]
Comment on "Exact solution of the wave dynamics of a particle bouncing chaotically on a periodically oscillating wall"
S. T. Dembiński, A. J. Makowski, P. Pepłowski, and L. Wolniewicz
pp. 4243-4245 [View Page Images or PDF (318 kB)]